We have been out on site at our ECOHome House type 4 near Ballymoney
We are now up to first floor level with floor joists in. We are now ready for the next floor level
Not only will this client have a warmer more comfortable home all year round they will also have reduced energy bills
Check out our eco homes range at www.ecohomesni.com
Get your ECO Home designed by us today!!
Here at FmK Architecture ECOHome in Northern Ireland we pride ourseleves in low energy sustainable home designs. Low Energy building solutions ensures our clients not only have lower energy bills but also have a fantastic confortable home all year round.
Our Bespoke designs also ensure an A rated EPC!! which is just great for us and our clients.
We cover many designs, our Pre-desinged fully built on site ECOHomes, Large bespoke Low Energy Designs, ECO-Upgrades and more..
Get in contact NOW
028 2587 8650
visit www.fmkni.com for more bespoke designs